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Supporting the Care Community

SCN operates on the basis that IT systems should be seen as tools to help deliver care - not as a burden.

SCN is, and always will be privately owned. We are a not for profit organisation and we follow the principles of sociocracy so that all staff and customers are part of the CHARMS community.

It means that everyone - employees, customers, suppliers and, most importantly, users of CHARMS - have a say in what CHARMS does and what it needs to do. We strive to ensure that care staff, educators, social workers, support staff and others who deliver care and education, can get on with the job knowing that CHARMS looks after their important, sensitive information.

As one IT Director at a large local authority once said, CHARMS is unique in that it is designed entirely for the benefit of operational staff. This does of course mean that management information can be extracted whenever it is required and offers a real, accurate, up-to-date insight in to the data. To that end SCN offers the creation of unlimited reports - entirely free of charge.

We really do want to make CHARMS something which all of our users enjoy creating, using and developing.

If we ask the question "does CHARMS work for you - the practitioners?", the answer must be yes. If you feel otherwise, tell your account manager and we will change it.

We welcome your views, however critical. Compliments are welcome as well, of course.

Jim Moores, Managing Director